Results for 'Valérie Cochen De Cock'

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  1.  28
    BeatWalk: Personalized Music-Based Gait Rehabilitation in Parkinson’s Disease.Valérie Cochen De Cock, Dobromir Dotov, Loic Damm, Sandy Lacombe, Petra Ihalainen, Marie Christine Picot, Florence Galtier, Cindy Lebrun, Aurélie Giordano, Valérie Driss, Christian Geny, Ainara Garzo, Erik Hernandez, Edith Van Dyck, Marc Leman, Rudi Villing, Benoit G. Bardy & Simone Dalla Bella - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Taking regular walks when living with Parkinson’s disease has beneficial effects on movement and quality of life. Yet, patients usually show reduced physical activity compared to healthy older adults. Using auditory stimulation such as music can facilitate walking but patients vary significantly in their response. An individualized approach adapting musical tempo to patients’ gait cadence, and capitalizing on these individual differences, is likely to provide a rewarding experience, increasing motivation for walk-in PD. We aim to evaluate the observance, safety, tolerance, (...)
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    Het symbolisme Van de duif.J. de Cock - 1960 - Bijdragen 21 (4):363-376.
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    Narratives of contingency and practices of comparing in the emergence of German molecular genetics (1958–1968).Wessel de Cock & Carsten Reinhardt - 2024 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 107 (C):118-127.
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    Cyberbullying by mobile phone among adolescents: The role of gender and peer group status.Rozane de Cock & Mariek Vanden Abeele - 2013 - Communications 38 (1):107-118.
    This article presents the results of a study in Flanders on the relationship between adolescents’ peer group status, their gender and their involvement in different types of mobile phone cyberbullying. By means of a free nominations procedure, likeability and perceived popularity scores were calculated for each respondent. Based on these scores, four groups were identified: popular controversial, popular liked, average and rejected adolescents. Even after controlling for age, gender, the frequency of voice calling and the frequency of text messaging, popular (...)
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    Der Synthesegedanke bei Georges Gusdorf.A. de Cock - 1965 - Philosophica 3.
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    Government communication about policy intentions: Unwanted propaganda or democratic inevitability? Surveys among government communication professionals and journalists in Belgium and the Netherlands.Keith Roe, Peter Neijens, Rozane De Cock & Dave Gelders - 2007 - Communications 32 (3):363-377.
    Recent developments in politics, the media, and society have stressed the rising importance of public communication from the government about policies not yet been adopted by Parliament. Government communication professionals and journalists are key figures in this process but conflicting interests mark a tense relationship. Up until now, few empirical studies have been conducted to shed light on the opinions of both professions concerning ‘Communication about Not yet Adopted Policy’. We studied the issue in both the Netherlands and Belgium because (...)
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    Deliberating Animal Values: a Pragmatic—Pluralistic Approach to Animal Ethics.Frank Kupper & Tjard De Cock Buning - 2011 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 24 (5):431-450.
    Debates in animal ethics are largely characterized by ethical monism, the search for a single, timeless, and essential trait in which the moral standing of animals can be grounded. In this paper, we argue that a monistic approach towards animal ethics hampers and oversimplifies the moral debate. The value pluralism present in our contemporary societies requires a more open and flexible approach to moral inquiry. This paper advocates the turn to a pragmatic, pluralistic approach to animal ethics. It contributes to (...)
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  8.  15
    Exploring Responsible Neuroimaging Innovation: Visions From a Societal Actor Perspective.Jacqueline E. W. Broerse, Tjard de Cock Buning & Marlous E. Arentshorst - 2016 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 36 (4):229-240.
    Apart from the scientific unknowns and technological barriers that complicate the development of medical neuroimaging applications, various relevant actors might have different ideas on what is considered advancement or progress in this field. We address the challenge of identifying societal actors and their different points of view concerning neuroimaging technologies in an early phase of neuroimaging development. To this end, we conducted 16 semistructured interviews with societal actors, including governmental policy makers, health professionals, and patient representatives, in the Netherlands. We (...)
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    The smart intuitor: Cognitive capacity predicts intuitive rather than deliberate thinking.Matthieu Raoelison, Valerie A. Thompson & Wim De Neys - 2020 - Cognition 204 (C):104381.
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  10.  59
    Boekbesprekingen.P. Ahsmann, A. Knockaert, J. De Cock, G. Achten, P. Fransen, J. Kerkhofs, C. Traets, P. Ploumen, A. van Kol, J. Kijm, J. Mulders, J. Vanneste, J. Rupert, J. Vercruysse, P. Grootens, F. Bossuyt, S. Trooster, A. van Leeuwen, C. Verhaak, F. Vandenbussche, A. Poncelet, E. Huffer, M. De Tollenaere, R. Hostie, H. Hoefnagels, P. van Doornik, F. van Beeck, H. Leuridan, P. van Doornick & A. Geerardijn - 1962 - Bijdragen 23 (4):416-448.
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    Narrative Difference: Jacques Rancière, Gilles Deleuze and Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives.Jade de Cock de Rameyen - 2021 - Film-Philosophy 25 (2):165-186.
    How should critics approach narrative temporality in times of ecological disorder? Literary critics have attempted to bridge eco-criticism with narrative theory, shifting attention from narrative content to narrative form. Econarratology studies how narrative shapes our understanding of the environment. Yet, eco-critical interrogations of narrative form are lacking. Grounded in a homogeneous conception of time, narratology often relays a dichotomy between narrativity and “dysnarrativity”. This dichotomy fails to translate the variety of temporal processes in film. I shall highlight the problem underlying (...)
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  12.  11
    Blind faith in the web? Internet use and empowerment among visually and hearing impaired adults: a qualitative study of benefits and barriers.Keith Roe, Rozane de Cock & Mariek Vanden Abeele - 2012 - Communications 37 (2):129-151.
    In this article we explore and contrast the uses and gratifications of the internet for blind/visually impaired and deaf/hearing impaired individuals. The uses and gratifications approach integrates the different issues that surround disabled persons’ internet use into one rich and coherent framework which allows a better understanding of the relationship between benefits obtained from internet use, underlying needs and the barriers that create gaps between gratifications sought and obtained. Based on 21 in-depth interviews, our study shows that both visually and (...)
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  13.  20
    Spatial reasoning in a fuzzy region connection calculus.Steven Schockaert, Martine De Cock & Etienne E. Kerre - 2009 - Artificial Intelligence 173 (2):258-298.
  14.  63
    Exploring the Potential of Dutch Pig Farmers and Urban-Citizens to Learn Through Frame Reflection.Marianne Benard & Tjard de Cock Buning - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (5):1015-1036.
    The Dutch pig husbandry has become a topic of public debate. One underlying cause is that pig farmers and urban-citizens have different perspectives and underlying norms, values and truths on pig husbandry and animal welfare. One way of dealing with such conflicts involves a learning process in which a shared vision is developed. A prerequisite for this process is that both parties become aware of their own fixed patterns of thoughts, actions, and blind spots. Therefore, we conducted five homogeneous focus (...)
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  15.  28
    Sweden’s online nation branding in times of refugee movement: A multimodal analysis of “Portraits of migration”.Weronika Rucka & Rozane De Cock - 2024 - Communications 49 (1):118-143.
    Textual and visual analyses of nation-branding campaigns are rare but highly needed (Bolin and Ståhlberg, 2010; Hao, Paul, Trott, Guo, and Wu, 2019) as online media have become a popular tool for states to shape people’s perception (Volcic and Andrejevic, 2011). In Anholt’s much applied nation brand hexagon (2007), immigration and investment, society, governance, and culture and heritage are, along with tourism and export, the core aspects that build a country’s reputation. As the 2015 refugee peak situation resulted in a (...)
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  16.  15
    Temporal reasoning about fuzzy intervals.Steven Schockaert & Martine De Cock - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence 172 (8-9):1158-1193.
  17.  85
    Editorial: Concepts of Animal Welfare.Kristin Hagen, Ruud Van den Bos & Tjard de Cock Buning - 2011 - Acta Biotheoretica 59 (2):93-103.
    Editorial: Concepts of Animal Welfare Content Type Journal Article Pages 93-103 DOI 10.1007/s10441-011-9134-0 Authors Kristin Hagen, Europäische Akademie zur Erforschung von Folgen wissenschaftlich-technischer Entwicklungen Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler GmbH, Wilhelmstr. 56, 53474 Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, Germany Ruud Van den Bos, Behavioural Neuroscience, Animals in Science and Society, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Rudolf Magnus Institute of Neuroscience, Utrecht University, Yalelaan 2, 3584 CM Utrecht, The Netherlands Tjard de Cock Buning, Department of Biology and Society (ATHENA Institute), Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, Vrije (...)
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  18.  47
    Boekbesprekingen.P. Ahsmann, J. De Fraine, P. Fransen, H. Bosenduin, J. De Cock, S. Trooster, E. De Strycker, H. Berghs, P. Smulders, R. Leys, P. Van Doornik, F. Veelenturf, F. Bossuyt, A. Van Kol, J. Kerkhofs, J. Vanneste, J. Mulders, J. Van Nuland, A. Poncelet, E. Huffer, C. Verhaak, J. Nota, H. V. D. Lee, E. Kumps, M. Dierickx & M. De Tollenaere - 1961 - Bijdragen 22 (3):303-348.
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    Boekbesprekingen.P. Ahsmann, J. Van Torre, P. van Doornik, J. De Fraine, J. Verbeke, P. Smulders, H. Jans, P. Grootens, P. Fransen, J. Kerkhofs, J. Beyer, J. Vanneste, J. Vercruysse, W. Boelens, M. Huybens, J. H. Nota, A. Poncelet, W. Couturier, E. Huffer, J. Defever, G. Jacqmotte, J. M. Kijm, Cl Beukers, M. Dierickx, G. Achten, J. De Cock, P. Ploumen & E. Bolsius - 1960 - Bijdragen 21 (4):429-464.
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  20.  49
    Boekbesprekingen.J. De Fraine, P. Fransen, I. de la Potterie, R. Leys, J. Vanneste, S. Trooster, F. Malmberg, P. Ploumen, H. Meddens, A. van Kol, A. van Leeuwen, J. Van Torre, M. Dierickx, J. Mulders, J. H. Nota, H. Robbers, L. Van Bladel, J. De Cock, P. van Doornik, R. Hostie, G. Schreiner, P. Grootens, M. De Wachter & J. Lambrecht - 1959 - Bijdragen 20 (4):428-460.
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  21.  14
    Evaluating Interactive Policy Making on Biotechnology: The Case of the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport.Joske F. G. Bunders, Anneloes Roelofsen, Tjard de Cock Buning & Jacqueline E. W. Broerse - 2009 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 29 (6):447-463.
    Public engagement is increasingly advocated and applied in the development and implementation of technological innovations. However, initiatives so far are rarely considered effective. There is a need for more methodological rigor and insight into conducive conditions. The authors developed an evaluative framework and assessed accordingly the effectiveness of a project of the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport in which the application of interactive policy making was piloted in medical biotechnology, among others, to increase the legitimacy and quality of (...)
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  22.  30
    Guidelines for Assessment of Gait and Reference Values for Spatiotemporal Gait Parameters in Older Adults: The Biomathics and Canadian Gait Consortiums Initiative.Olivier Beauchet, Gilles Allali, Harmehr Sekhon, Joe Verghese, Sylvie Guilain, Jean-Paul Steinmetz, Reto W. Kressig, John M. Barden, Tony Szturm, Cyrille P. Launay, Sébastien Grenier, Louis Bherer, Teresa Liu-Ambrose, Vicky L. Chester, Michele L. Callisaya, Velandai Srikanth, Guillaume Léonard, Anne-Marie De Cock, Ryuichi Sawa, Gustavo Duque, Richard Camicioli & Jorunn L. Helbostad - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  23.  33
    The Protective Influence of Bilingualism on the Recovery of Phonological Input Processing in Aphasia After Stroke.Miet De Letter, Elissa-Marie Cocquyt, Oona Cromheecke, Yana Criel, Elien De Cock, Veerle De Herdt, Arnaud Szmalec & Wouter Duyck - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Language-related potentials are increasingly used to objectify adaptive neuroplasticity in stroke-related aphasia recovery. Using preattentive [mismatch negativity ] and attentive phonologically related paradigms, neuroplasticity in sensory memory and cognitive functioning underlying phonological processing can be investigated. In aphasic patients, MMN amplitudes are generally reduced for speech sounds with a topographic source distribution in the right hemisphere. For P300 amplitudes and latencies, both normal and abnormal results have been reported. The current study investigates the preattentive and attentive phonological discrimination ability in (...)
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  24.  53
    Boekbesprekingen. [REVIEW]J. De Fraine, P. Fransen, P. Ahsmann, E. Huger, P. Smulders, R. Leys, A. Ampe, J. Vanneste, P. Ploumen, J. De Cock, J. Mulders, P. van Doornik, A. Heymans, W. Boelens, J. H. Nota, Huffer, L. Steins Bisschop, L. Van Bladel, M. De Tollenaere, Th F. Geraets, H. van Luijk, J. Kerkhofs, R. Hostie, J. Van Torre, P. Torfs & J. Lambrecht - 1959 - Bijdragen 20 (3):308-344.
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    Scientists and Dutch Pig Farmers in Dialogue About Tail Biting: Unravelling the Mechanism of Multi-stakeholder Learning. [REVIEW]Marianne Benard, Tjerk Jan Schuitmaker & Tjard de Cock Buning - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (3):431-452.
    Pig farmers and scientists appear to have different perspectives and underlying framing on animal welfare issues as tail biting and natural behaviour of pigs. Literature proposes a joint learning process in which a shared vision is developed. Using two different settings, a symposium and one-to-one dialogues, we aimed to investigate what elements affected joint learning between scientists and pig farmers. Although both groups agreed that more interaction was important, the process of joint learning appeared to be rather potentially dangerous for (...)
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    Discours de la méthode: Introductions d'Alain et de Paul Valéry. Édition établie, présentée et annotée par Samuel S. [Silvestre] de Sacy.René Descartes, Samuel Alain, Paul Silvestre de Sacy & Valéry - 1970 - Le-Livre de Poche.
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    Determinants of self-regulated learning practices in elementary education: a multilevel approach.Valérie Thomas, Jeltsen Peeters, Free De Backer & Koen Lombaerts - forthcoming - Tandf: Educational Studies:1-23.
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    Propuestas bioéticas frente a los problemas sociales y éticos que generan las enfermedades infecciosas desatendidas.Valeri Saenz & Maria de Los Angeles Mazzanti di Ruggiero - 2019 - Persona y Bioética 23 (1).
    Bioethical Proposals to Face Social and Ethical Problems Generated by Neglected Infectious Diseases Propostas bioéticas ante os problemas sociais e éticos que geram as doenças infecciosas desatendidas This review article appointed to the topic of Neglected Tropical Diseases, a group of 18 disabling pathologies, which are sometimes fatal, and often deforming, that prevail in the populations of Asia, Africa and the tropical areas of South America. We presented, categorized, and analyzed, through a bibliographical review, the elements that relate to these (...)
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  29. Poly (ADP‐ribose) polymerase: Molecular biological aspects.Gilbert De Murcia, Ménissier‐De Murcia & Valérie Schreiber - 1991 - Bioessays 13 (9):455-462.
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    Newborns’ face recognition is based on spatial frequencies below 0.5 cycles per degree.Adélaïde de Heering, Chiara Turati, Bruno Rossion, Hermann Bulf, Valérie Goffaux & Francesca Simion - 2008 - Cognition 106 (1):444-454.
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    (1 other version)Medical experimentation, informed consent and using An Cocking & Ju Stin Oakley - 1994 - Bioethics 8 (4):293-311.
    ABSTRACT In this paper we argue that the standard focus on problems of informed consent in debates about the ethics of human experimentation is inadequate because it fails to capture a more fundamental way in which such experiments may be wrong. Taking clinical trials as our case in point, we suggest that it is the moral offence of using people as mere means which better characterizes what is wrong with violations of personal autonomy in certain kinds of clinical trials. This (...)
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    The Need to Give Gratuitously: A Relevant Concept Anchored in Catholic Social Teaching to Envision the Consumer Behavior.Bénédicte de Peyrelongue, Olivier Masclef & Valérie Guillard - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 145 (4):739-755.
    The “gift exchange theory” articulated by Marcel Mauss, along with his core concept of a threefold obligation, is the dominant theoretical framework used to explain the majority of gift issues in marketing. This perspective assumes that some interest always lies behind gifts, such that a gift always implies a counterpart of receiving something in return. Despite the relevance of this approach in understanding the day-to-day consumer behavior, this paper presents empirical cases where the consumer is also able to give freely, (...)
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  33. Acculturation.Michel de Coster & Valérie Brasseur - 1971 - Diogenes 19 (73):21-38.
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  34. La Révolution mondiale et la responsabilité de l'Esprit.H. de Keyserling & Paul Valéry - 1934 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 41 (3):7-8.
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  35. Unself-conscious control: Broadening the notion of control through experiences of flow and wu-Wei.Valérie De Prycker - 2011 - Zygon 46 (1):5-25.
    Abstract. This paper both clarifies and broadens the notion of control and its relation to the self. By discussing instances of skillful absorption from different cultural backgrounds, I argue that the notion of control is not as closely related to self-consciousness as is often suggested. Experiences of flow and wu-wei exemplify a nonself-conscious though personal type of control. The intercultural occurrence of this type of behavioral control demonstrates its robustness, and questions two long-held intuitions about the relation between self-consciousness and (...)
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  36.  13
    Discussion à Visée Philosophique (DVP), une ressource de la professionnalité enseignante? Quelle variabilité, quelle invariabilité de l’activité?Antonietta Specogna & Valérie Saint-Dizier de Almeida - 2018 - Revue Phronesis 7 (2):28-36.
    In the context of research 2LAPRE 2 we observed sessions of Philosophically Orientated Discussion (POD)provided by the permanent teachers of the ordinary elementary and secondary school classes. In a formation context we are interested in the itinerary of three elementary school’s teachers of three different levels (1st Cycle, 2nd Cycle and 3rd Cycle). By the observation of actual practices at three moments during the scholar year, what can we spot of the POD norm’s construction? The analysis of the linguistic exchanges, (...)
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  37.  10
    Quatre lettres de Paul Valery au sujet de Nietzsche.Paul Valéry & Henri Albert - 1927 - [Paris?: [S.N.].
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  38.  65
    Middle school student and parent perceptions of parental involvement: unravelling the associations with school achievement and wellbeing.Valérie Thomas, Jaël Muls, Free De Backer & Koen Lombaerts - 2019 - Educational Studies 46 (4):404-421.
    Parents play an important part in adolescents’ life and significantly contribute to youngsters’ academic success. However, parents’ and students’ perceptions regarding parental involvement may diff...
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    Poly(ADP‐ribose) polymerase: Molecular biological aspects.Gilbert De Murcia, Josiane Ménissier-De Murcia & Valérie Schreiber - 1991 - Bioessays 13 (9):455-462.
    A number of roles have been ascribed to poly(ADP‐ribose) polymerase* including involvement in DNA repair, cell proliferation, differentiation and transformation. Cloning of the gene has allowed the development of molecular biological approaches to elucidate the structure and the function(s) of this highly conserved enzyme. This article will review the recent results obtained in this field.
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    Critical Remarks on Shortcuts to Happiness: the Relevance of Effort and Pain.Valérie de Prycker - 2007 - Philosophica 79 (1).
    This paper discloses and questions two assumptions on happiness that are implied by medical and technological proposals for mood enhancement. The first assumption holds that happiness consists of the indiscriminate maximization of positive and minimization of negative emotions. Second, mood enhancement implies the belief that an effortless enhancement of positive emotions will increase happiness. These assumptions are questioned by investigating the validity of the common sense slogan ‘No pain, no gain’. Support for this claim is found in literature on adversity (...)
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    Islamic Mysticism Contested: Thirteen Centuries of Controversies and Polemics.Valerie Hoffman, Frederick de Jong & Bernd Radtke - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (4):717.
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    Du comportement à l’action. Faire de la psychologie après Wittgenstein?Valérie Aucouturier - 2015 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 140 (2):187-204.
    La philosophie de l’action wittgensteinienne, par sa clarification conceptuelle, permet une critique radicale de la métaphysique dualiste impliquée par la psychologie empirique. Si le psychologique est constitué concrètement par nos pratiques, une philosophie wittgensteinienne de l’action peut aider la psychologie à sortir des impasses dues à ses confusions sur la nature de son objet, en substituant à la notion réductrice de comportement le concept d’action.
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    Quels enseignements tirer de l’étude d’un aléa survenu lors d’une discussion à visée philosophique en contexte scolaire?Valérie Saint-Dizier de Almeida, Isabelle Vinatier & Antonietta Specogna - 2024 - Revue Phronesis 13 (1):188-199.
    The article presents an analysis of an extract from a Collective Philosophical Inquiry. Through this case study, we show the possible misunderstandings linked to the duality of two « worlds » : that of the teacher who experiments with CPI in her classroom and that of the researcher who is responsible for the design of this type of session. The « world » is defined as « conceptual, axiological and praxical background ». The confrontation between these worlds therefore questions both (...)
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  44.  19
    The relationship between media use and public opinion on immigrants and refugees: A Belgian perspective.Leen D’Haenens, Rozane De Cock, Willem Joris, Marlies Debrael, Koen Matthijs & David De Coninck - 2018 - Communications 43 (3):403-425.
    Belgium, and Europe in general, has seen a strong increase in the number of refugees arriving over the past three years. At the same time we also note an increasing polarization of Belgian public opinion on this subject. Among the main actors to shape this public opinion are news media, as they contribute to or combat stereotyping of (sub)groups in the population. The purpose of the current study is to analyze to which extent media consumption and trust have an impact (...)
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    Conception et mise en place d’un site à visée formative dédié à l’entretien d’annonce de diagnostics médicaux.Yasmina Kebir, James de Almeida, Antonietta Specogna & Valérie Saint-Dizier de Almeida - 2020 - Revue Phronesis 9 (2):50-62.
    In order to train healthcare professionals in the announcement of serious medical diagnoses, we propose the de-sign of a section of a website that aims to enable caregivers to better control this professional activity that they dread. These diagnoses materialize through language interactions between doctors and patients that are emotion-ally charged. The analysis of these announcement interviews involves access to interactions that are as close as possible to those that take place in real work situations through role-playing. We will show (...)
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    L’évolution des normes face au développement des objets de santé connectés.Valérie Siranyan & Olivier Toucas - 2019 - Médecine et Droit 2019 (158):130-136.
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  47. De crisis van de geest.Paul Valéry - 2004 - Nexus 38.
    Valéry constateert dat Europa, ondanks de hoopvolle naoorlogse stemming, zijn intellectuele en morele kompas is kwijt geraakt. Het wezenlijke op de wereld is door de oorlog aangetast.
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    (1 other version)Le mariage de raison du musée d’art et du Web.Valérie Schafer & Benjamin Thierry - 2011 - Hermes 61:, [ p.].
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    Pour une histoire de la Sérinde: Le manichéisme parmi les peuples et religions d 'Asie Centrale d'après les sources primairesPour une histoire de la Serinde: Le manicheisme parmi les peuples et religions d 'Asie Centrale d'apres les sources primaires.Valerie Hansen & Xavier Tremblay - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (1):239.
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    (1 other version)Compte rendu de : Langue commune, cultures distinctes : les illusions du globish, de Ge.Valérie Delavigne - 2021 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
    Des langues disparaissent, d’autres se transforment, certaines ont un rôle ambigu. Sous le poids des échanges internationaux, un idiome circule depuis un petit moment, se prenant pour une langue fonctionnelle, dénommée English as a Lingua Franca, siglée en ELF, plus communément désignée par globish. Depuis les années 2000, les chercheurs qui se penchent sur les questions de management auscultent cette « langue » de notre monde mondialisé où l’on pense qu’une langue commune permet de communiqu...
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